
Real time Radiation level in Hong Kong

Ambient Gamma Radiation Level in Hong Kong
(Updated hourly)

ISO 9001 The Observatory achieved ISO 9001:2008 certification for the provision of ambient gamma radiation level measurement service in October 2015. The service was further accredited with ISO 9001:2015 certification in August 2018.


  1. From readings taken at various locations in Hong Kong in the past, the hourly mean ambient gamma radiation dose rate may vary between 0.06 and 0.3 microsievert per hour. (1 microsievert = 0.000001 sievert = 0.001 millisievert)
  2. Temporal variations are generally caused by changes in meteorological conditions such as rainfall, wind and barometric pressure.
  3. Spatial variations are generally caused by differences in the radioactive content of local rock and soil.
  4. The data displayed is provisional. Only limited data validation has been carried out.