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7-day Weather Forecast

Bulletin updated at 16:30 HKT 03/May/2024

7-Day Weather Forecast

General Situation:
Date/Month 4/5 (Saturday)
Wind: East to southeast force 4 to 5.
Weather: Mainly cloudy with occasional showers and isolated
Temp Range: 24 - 27 C
R.H. Range: 75 - 95 Per Cent

Date/Month 5/5(Sunday)
Wind: South to southeast force 3 to 4.
Weather: Mainly cloudy with occasional showers. A few
thunderstorms at first. Showers will ease off later.
Temp Range: 24 - 28 C
R.H. Range: 75 - 95 Per Cent

Date/Month 6/5(Monday)
Wind: South force 2 to 3.
Weather: Sunny periods. Hot during the day.
Temp Range: 25 - 31 C
R.H. Range: 65 - 90 Per Cent

Date/Month 7/5(Tuesday)
Wind: Light winds force 2.
Weather: Sunny periods. Hot during the day.
Temp Range: 26 - 31 C
R.H. Range: 65 - 90 Per Cent

Date/Month 8/5(Wednesday)
Wind: Light winds force 2, becoming east to northeast force
3 to 4.
Weather: Mainly cloudy with a few showers. Sunny intervals
during the day.
Temp Range: 26 - 30 C
R.H. Range: 75 - 95 Per Cent

Date/Month 9/5(Thursday)
Wind: East force 4 to 5.
Weather: Mainly cloudy with one or two showers.
Temp Range: 25 - 28 C
R.H. Range: 70 - 90 Per Cent

Date/Month 10/5(Friday)
Wind: East to southeast force 4 to 5.
Weather: Mainly cloudy with one or two showers.
Temp Range: 25 - 28 C
R.H. Range: 70 - 90 Per Cent

Sea surface temperature at 2 p.m.3/5/2024 at North Point was
25 degrees C.

Soil temperatures at 7 a.m.3/5/2024 at the Hong Kong
0.5 M below surface was 26.2 degrees C.
1.0 M below surface was 26.5 degrees C.

Weather Cartoons for 7-day weather forecast
Day 1 cartoon no. 63 - Rain
Day 2 cartoon no. 63 - Rain
Day 3 cartoon no. 51 - SUNNY PERIODS
Day 4 cartoon no. 51 - SUNNY PERIODS
Day 5 cartoon no. 54 - Sunny Intervals with Showers
Day 6 cartoon no. 62 - Light Rain
Day 7 cartoon no. 62 - Light Rain

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